Category “Parties”

Tuesday, 3 February, 2009

The joining of my two passions…

As most of you know, dear readers, I live in Georgia. I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but there’s a little bit of a craze down here over a game called football. I grew up with two brothers, so it was pretty much a foregone conclusion that I would be a sports fan. I have a special place in my heart for one team in particular.

So on occasion I like to bring two of the great passions in my life together – football and baking – and make football cookies. So I wanted to share with my readers a collection of tips on how to make great football cookies for your next tailgate or Superbowl party.

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Sunday, 25 January, 2009

Guinness Beef Stew

My brothers and I calculated it once, and I think we came up with the figure of 85% – we’re 85% Irish. My maiden name has an apostrophe in it, and the only bad part about being married is that I miss my apostrophe. 😉

I like to put together a special Irish menu every St. Patrick’s Day, and a couple of years ago I was inspired to try to re-create the amazing bowl of Guinness Beef Stew that I enjoyed one night in a pub in Dingle, on the west coast of Ireland, when I was studying abroad there. Now it’s become one of my favorite slow-cooker recipes!

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